Kayaking at Shell Mound - near Cedar Key, Florida
Part of the Suwannee River National Wildlife Refuge

This drop is only about a fifteen minute ride from Cedar Key, Florida. Friday afternoon
we dropped in Cedar Key, but the Saturday boat traffic looked too heavy when we looked out
from the condo while drinking coffee early Saturday morning.

This is the beginning of the Big Bend area of Florida with undeveloped grass marshes.
I love these palm tree islands that crop up in the middle of no where in North Florida.

High Tide on a glassy morning. As the high tide dropped later in the day, we saw that
we had been paddling over oyster beds all day. Good thing we had the tide with us.

The grass islands in this part of Florida seem to go on forever.
Everything looks alike and a GPS on the yak is cruicial to finding your way home.

This part of Florida is the clam capital of the State. Sun has set and we are heading back
to the condo in Cedar Key for a plate of clam pasta. Sacks of 100 little necks are about $15.

On our second day out, Gina gets a nice trout.